Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another haiku?

Morning sun is bright
As lovely as her eyes
she had really big thighs?

But nows shes is dead
Because of the evil Bread
Mc, Donalds, Thank you


This is a haiku
Haikus are five, seven, five
They are very fun

Haikus are easy
Something you must not worry
with that I shall end????


Sometimes it's hard to get over my writer's block... Not normally for the first draft though. That's the easy stuff because I'll just free write and try not to get too far off topic. The final, revised draft always gets me because I already have the mold of how the assignment should read... but the fine tuning seems difficult, especially when there are so many things that need to be ommitted etc etc. The peer workshops were super helpful in giving me some idea of how to correct my pitfalls, grammar, and ultimately make my paper come together more clearly. I guess it's just hard to get the ball rolling sometimes.

Genre Analysis Paper

Having extra time has definitely helped me with finishing this paper! As well as my conference which clarified my multitude of questions about the creative piece for the project and how I could go about doing it. Unfortunately I couldn't attend the peer conferences due to sickness but i'm sure they would have helped me more in the long run. Class time is always beneficial and by getting access to differen't peoples opinions only makes your paper that much stronger. All in all, this paper wasn't my absolute favorite to write but it did give me a larger understanding and insight into fashion advertising and what really goes on behind it.

Genre Paper

I really liked this paper and the creative side to it. With the creative side, you think more about your genre than you usually would by just writing a paper. In this paper, I actually started with the artifact, then wrote about the artifact in the paper which gave me much more to write about in the actual analysis. With some of the workshop comments I got I was confused on how to change my paper from the comments on what I could change. I also thought the actual process or the time we took on this paper was a bit long when it could have been cut down to a 3 week paper. I thought that the first paper we wrote on two genres was a little helpful in getting my ideas down and giving me a direction. The only probelm for me with that paper was once I'd written a paper on genre I wasn't intersted in having to write another one about one of the topics I'd already used. This was cured though with the addition of the creative side of the paper.

Genre Analysis process

Well, when I started my analysis, the first thing I did was to read any article I can find to help me navigate the various ideas I had in my head. Then I came up with a list of the things I wanted to discuss. Those had become so much. Too much details and I was afraid of making the paper too long. But I wrote them down anyway. Getting the samples was not difficult, but had to be a little bit creative to get them break the rules.
Then, through the work shops and and some proof reading by friends of mine, I started condensing the paragraphs to a much focused content and it was much better at the end, I hope, of course.


One thing I definitely struggled with was meeting the minimum page requirements because going back and reading my final product I thought it was a pretty solid paper but may have been too repetitive in some areas. I think having the pier workshop really helped me though because my classmates that read my paper noticed a lot of things that I didn't and gave me tips on what I could add to improve my writing. Also the little exercise we did with the sticky notes was very interesting and helpful to me!

To add on what I struggled with when writing this paper I had trouble with the actual purpose for writing this essay because I know we were supposed to argue about how the rhetoric of our genre influences people but when trying to meet the 5 page requirement my paper began to be more about informing people about weight loss pills which might in turn might have hurt my paper in the long run.

Genre Analysis Reflection

In writing this paper I feel like I have improved on a few things, and learned some things about my writing that I can use to be a better writer.

I seemed to have valid points and arguments which I elaborated on and related it to my topic of comedy movie covers. I had an outline that flowed and made sense with the topic, which I had trouble with in the past--I was very pleased with how my paper turned out. I changed my topic a few times through drafts of this paper, the topic I ended up with was a narrowed down version of the comedy movie genre (comedy movie covers) which made it much easier to analyze. I was able to analyze certain tactics and styles of these covers/advertisements and relate it to the genre of movie.

One of the in class excersises that helped me write my paper was the confereces and peer editing because I was able to say what I was writing about and explain my analysis. Being able to express my thoughts out loud and get others feedback helped me decide what to include in my paper and how to include it.


The writing assignment helped me figure out some areas I need to work on and gave me different perspectives. One of the areas that I need to work on to improve my writing is passive voice. Another area I noticed that would enhance my paper and make the paper flow better is my sentence structure. A way the paper was enhanced was by the artifact. The artifact was a creative way to break the rules of the genre and think abstractly about what the rules of the genre actually do. Making the artifact was a creative piece of the assignment that enhanced the outlook of the genre. Working in class and having peer review was a great way to get other ideas about the paper and improve on the paper. Peer review was very helpful.

After thoughts, Microbrew Labels

For my genre I found the hardest thing to do was to break the rules of how micro brew labeling works. Labeling acts as their main form of advertisement. Anything you put on the bottle that is different will catch a consumers eye when they are shopping for a new beer to taste. I chose to leave the majority of the label blank and clear to allow the consumer to see what was inside my brown bottle. I pasted the government warning as the focal point to give a generic appearance and to bring the potential damages to unborn children. I also took the time to list the ingredients of my particular beer. I listed every detailed ingredient including the no rinse cleaner used for sensitization. The other task I struggled with was limiting myself to information about the uniqueness of the breweries. I felt this was necessary to support their style of labeling. I did manage to keep the paper within five pages in the end.

Helpful .. things

I guess.... things that worked was that we had the workshop in the beginning where we shared our examples and had people comment on sticky notes, that was fun! Uh... I guess I didn't have anything that didn't work specifically. I like peer editing a bit. Otherwise the main thing that helped me with this paper is the fact that I didn't wait until the last minute to try and write it.

What I need help with:

My biggest problem always when writing a paper is meeting the page requirement, I usually finish with a pages of my own work and still dont complete the assginement. This is where I start filling the pages with random facts, or stuff that doesnt not pertain to the paper.
I think that the conferences and the in-class workshops helped me the most in deciding how to structure my final paper. For my first draft, I left some sections of my paper as a basic outline, because I was still struggling with the material. Over the course of the second rough draft, I was able to use the conversation from my conference, along with the assistance of peer editing and recommendations within a workshop, to hammer out the details of my final draft. Over all, I am content with my final draft, although I think that I could have more thoroughly explained what rules I would replicate or break within the genre if given the opportunity. Still, the genre analysis was a fun assignment to explore, and I'm glad that I had the opportunity to choose a subject of interest to me; most importantly, that freedom helped me better understand the evolution of my genre analysis throughout the drafting process.

rendered beef fat popsicle

I found the length of time that we had to complete the paper to be good. However, the length requirement of the paper itself was difficult to reach. I found myself struggling to dissect the rhetoric found on natural bars of soap for five pages. It kind of made me want to stop using soap all together.. I know too much now. On a positive note, the peer workshops were helpful in adding length to the paper.

You're Cooler Than The Ice Cubes In My Freezer!

With the first paper, I thought that it was kind of hard to find more than a few rules to break because I just concentrated on the big rule instead of all the others ones. The critcal thinking was pretty easy, since it was taking an extra good look at the genre and what you think it is and how you think it appeals to others or if it brings out the emotional appeal and all that good stuff. It wasn't too difficult, it was a good paper to write about. I enjoyed creating the artifact, even though it wasn't all that hard to do. I had a difficukt time looking for other things that had to do with the genre, but I figured I could bring in more than one type of that genre and talk about how both genres are different and how they are similar.

First Assignment Overview

With this first paper I really liked that we were able to pick our genre, I feel like I would've absolutely hated the paper if I had not been able to choose my own topic. The revision workshops worked well with the class, I got most of my feedback during that time which helped me the most. The teacher confrences didn't help me very much, I basically followed my revision plans I had set up already and I don't feel like I recieved much feedback. As far as my writing and what I wanted to improve on, in the beginning I really wanted to get better at citing work. However, with this paper I focused on examples of graffiti at specific locations, so I didnt have anything to cite. I wasn't sure how to incorporate anything relevant to my topic that I could cite, so I did not use citations in my writing. I think overall I did well on my organization and details of my genre, and I stayed focused on the ethos, pathos, and logos of my text.

Overall outcome

At the end of the day I realized that the Genre analysis paper was a good learning experience. I learned about genres and what they are about, how they affect people, who they exclude and who they include and most of all what they mean. While writing this paper I discovered some areas of improvement. While drafting, I noticed that I had to change up a few of my paragraphs because they sounded repetative so repetition is something I need to work on in my next paper. A lot of fillers were used in my paragraphs as well so I need to work on not using those too. The last thing I noticed was that wordy sentences were used throughout the essay, because my startegy is different then most peoples I think that free writing before brain storming could be the reason why so many fillers, use of repetition and wordy sentences were applied. Overall I feel pretty good about my paper and I read it a few times to make sure it made sense. I have to admit that I was not a huge fan on the peer review workshops we had in class. I think I would have gotten a lot more out of this essay if I would have received your feedback after the peer revision to get a good idea of where I stood with my paper. I did good good feedback from my class mates and I applied some of their recommendations to my paper so I can't say it wasnt entirely useful. I loved working on my artifact and that was the part of this paper I liked the most.

Genre Analysis Paper

In my writing I have the most difficult time staying on track. I never can produce a paper that actually talks solely about my topic, I find myself ranting quite often. With this paper though I liked how I was allowed to go on my little tangents about what I felt about the genre that I was analyzing. Otherwise I would have found it difficult to simply anaylize rather than put in my two cents. I didn't really enjoy the fact that the paper had us make up our own artifact. I am very sarcastic, and I found it hard to not make my artifact extremely innapropriate. If we were given more guidelines about what we needed to conform to, I would have been able to resist even more.

Peer reviewing went really well. I think I was able to grasp more ideas about what to adjust in my paper from reading other student's papers. It also gave me insight about how to go about things when it came to organization, word choice and sentence structure. Also the feedback helped to remind me of what I missed, and to compliment me on what I did well in my paper.

ENGL 2030 - Genre Analysis and Beyond

Analyzing a particular product or personal object's rhetoric and how its genre effects me was definitely an aspect of life that I had never thought of. Purchasing coffee until this paper was without any second thought, and for the most part did not require any critical thinking. However, afterwords I find myself much more aware of the advertising rhetoric that surrounds even the plates and cups I use. I felt the assignment was very appropriate, and I learned a lot.

For the class, the structure of review for the paper was very good. Peer review as well as an individual conferencing session with the professor allowed for many different perspectives on what could be improved on and how the paper was coming along. Along with peers looking at content,(as with any English class), proper structure of the paper itself was critiqued to allow for maximum efficiency of message.

Most problematic areas for me so far are being concise, as well as my writing style not being remotely close to how I speak.


Somethings that I struggled with were; reaching the minimum page number, and keeping as much "fluff" out of my paper as I could. I start of strong, usually get three pages in the first hour-hour and a half. After that I start to trail offf, and it takes me an entire day to finish the last page. I liked having the extra day, it helped me out a lot.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

This is one more sample that I can use, I think in two ways.
Because the Pop Up doesn't really confirm to all the characteristics of the genre.
First, it has the small window and the minimize and close button that is so common in most Pop Ups. But, the big visible text is tells the viewer to Stop Pop Ups. And the content, on the contrary tells him/her to click on to go to another site. That is what most Pop Ups do. It actually suggests to the viewer to press some keys to allow more Pop Ups.
Hence, this Pop Up kind of remains in the rules and as the same time breaking some of the rules. Interesting, he!

Other source

Looking at this water labels, comparing it to soda labels there are some similarities but the differences are easily seen. For example, the demographic for soda is international but the demographic for this drink is only for people at Yale University at what the bottle says is "dining services". It's odd that the university would take this much time to create their own brand of water. The label also differs because instead of a simple color scheme, it contains a picture of the university but also has a picture of a flat surface covered in drops of water. The label does have a nutrition label but lacks any real ingredient list except mentioning sodium information. The makers of the label seem to be very interested in letting their customers know where the water was from and who it is for. This is different because most soda labels have no mention of where the drink was made and who it is for because it is redundant and not needed when all we need to know is the name of the drink or the company that makes the drink.

Additional Souce for Humanitarian websites genre

An additional source for the humanitarian websites I found was This humanitarian nonprofit website addresses the aggressive strategies used to get people involved and help people in poverty that are in risk of dying. The language used to describe the people in poverty is boldly stated on this websites and the images capture a sentimental emotion. This website demonstrates the extent humanitarian websites must go through to get individuals involved. is committed and passionate about the cause they are fighting for and the language and images represent the organizations conviction.
This source will add to my analysis paper because this source shows the extent humanitarian organization websites go through to engage the audience and convince them to help. This websites is extensive in the amount of organization, language, representation of credibility, and imagery to unite people to join the cause. will be a supportive piece to the genre analysis because this humanitarian website has strength in all the persuasive techniques in gathering people for a cause, so more people in poverty do not die and suffer.

Example of Genre

This is an example of my genre of romantic comedies and how movies of this genre and their advertising are all similar in such a way that catches their target audience. The aspect that I am focusing on with this example is the slogan which reads, "Imagine having to win over the girl of your dreams, every friggin' day". The vast majority of movie covers have a slogan to explain the movie, but romantic comedies have to pick a slogan that depicts the movie as light-hearted and funny, yet cute and romantic at the same time. The slogan portrays that because any movie where a guy has to win over a girl, is obviously going to be romantic to some extent. Using vocabulary like 'friggin' suggests that there is going to be some comedy in the movie.

A little extra genre, a lot better paper.

The Hill Bros. provide yet another source for comparison in the genre of coffee cans. What is interesting about this brand is that the image on the can is a subsidary to the text that seems to command the entire attention of its audience. Still holding true to the genre, the text is bold and its colors are mellow. Also adorning the front, not disappointing the rhetoric at all are the "blend" and "boldness" of the coffee as well. While no specific motto is shown, there is a message that suffices in its place. The trusted coffee since 1879.

Though through its uniqueness, it is still an adequate source to require a revision of content within my essay.

Genre Analysis Fourth Example

For my genre analysis, I chose to analyze the covers of three albums by industrial, electronic rock bands; i.e. "Breedless," by Ego Likeness, "Anything That Gets You through the Night," by Edge of Dawn, and "Trypt0fanatic," by Kidneythieves. As a comparative example from the same genre, I am using the cover of "Wrath," by Iris:

This album cover features what appears to be barbed wire spread across desert sand. Like the covers of both the Edge of Dawn and Kidneythieves albums, the Iris cover depicts the band's name in large letters with the title of the album in smaller letters below. Unlike the other album covers that I have explored, this cover also features the words of all the album's song titles scattered chaotically across the image of desert sand. Similar to the other bands of this genre, the desolate Iris cover is a connotation for the dark tones of the music of the genre. Furthermore, the lyrics of "Lands of Fire," the first song on the album, suggest a feeling of being lost in a metaphorical desert in life, and, like the three album covers that I analyzed for my paper, the image on the cover is organized with the sound of the music to focus on heavy concepts within the lyrics of the songs.

More examples of Graffiti

On this website there are several pictures of graffiti, but only one of which I would like to focus on. The "no entry" sign that this website shows has the "o" covered with "inja" and two slanty eyes in the white space. In doing this, the sign says ninja entry... and the sign looks like a ninja. This type of graffiti is silly graffiti, and many people could argue that there is no point to it. The only reason people do silly graffiti is for humor. However, I could argue in my paper that this kind of graffiti still has a purpose and still conveys a lot of information about the author. One who doesw silly graffiti obviously has good humor, and depending on how ironic or what induendos are included can tell audiences what interests they have. Although this genre is easily read and not usually very colorful, the words itself and creations are enough to create a giddy feeling.

Ski Magazine

This cover is unique to this genre because it has text behind the image. Usually the text is in a place that doesn't intrude on the image. Which is this case the text doesn't really intrude on the image but becomes part of the image. This aspect makes it an unique part of this genre.

Get ripped fast!

We started out our day today looking for advertisments thats could be an addition to our current assignment. I have all ready chosen to topic of workout supplements, so I google a few key words. Ripped explosive and fast. My computer is instentley flooded with infinite amount of advertisments to full fill my needs. Every one as generic as the first. I start to question if we our all unique or the same person attracted to simple ideas. every one of the advertisments follows a generic formula. Large letttering with simple wording to drag us in. With another workout model. I think after this I will never work out again.
Here is a link of another artifact of my genre...

I have chosen this article to elaborate a couple more things about this genre. As it is currently, I mostly talk about one type of snowboarding but there are more out there. Aside from "stunt riding" or "park riding" there is also Alpine snowboarding which is featured in the winter olympics. This article does a great job explaining what alpine snowboarding is. It shares with the reader a good insight to what it's purpose is and the necessary equipment needed if someone were to be interested in picking up a new hobby over the winter. This article is what I would call an informational one. It follows the rules of dialect; talking about what alpine snowboarding is and why people enjoy it. At the same time, it breaks the rules through its absence of pictures and captions, often found within the pages of such articles.

New source

Here is the link for my new source about Axe body spray:

This source is the collection of Axe shampoo lines. I want to add this source because I can then compare the different ways the Axe company uses different genre for different products. For example the purpose of the genre is to show young males that they can get as many woman as possibble, while smelling good. The purpose of genre used for the shampoo is looking good for the ladies.

new source

I only used one example to analyze for my paper so I think another would help me further my analysis. I think it would also help to show how weight loss pills are alike and also how they are different. For example I found many different ads that do not choose to include a model with their ad for whatever reason. I feel sometimes these can be less effective when trying to pull in a potential buyer because most people are hooked when they see a product working for somebody else. It shows how successful the product is proven to be.

This website gives a lot of information on different supplements and also people's reviews on them. I think that would would help my paper a great deal .

clubbin' baby seals

Throughout my genre analysis, I describe the visual aspects of three labels for natural soaps. The three labels all adhere to similar visual guidelines. To add a source, I plan on writing about natural soaps that still follow the ethical claim, but have packaging that is similar to that of typical soap. There you go.. I have nothing more to say about that.

Harpooning Whales

In my genre, I talked about how music magazine covers, focusing on the color of the text and the picture. It seemed as if the color was to attract your attention to see what the cover band would be all about, to get some recognition from potential fans. If I could do another analysis on the paper, it would have to be about the way everything is set up. For example, where the picture is, maybe if the text is behind the picture or above it to make it known who the magazine and band is. If the magazine makes the text bigger than the pictiure, then it might give off the same affect towards its audience.
I chose the image below as an addintional sample of my genre because it fits the criteria of what I am trying to tell my audience. What I am trying to let my audience now is that my genre depends on non verbal communication. Visual communication is extremely important for my genre and in order to make an impact, marketers need to coomunicate their message effectively in order to get positive results. This sale pormotion ad lets customers know that the store is having a 25% sale. Every sale has a catch and some promoters let their customers know through their sale signs and some let the associates do it once they are already in the store. The picture used as the main focalk point of this sign is letting the customer use their imagination. Allowing customers imagine what it would be like if they were in the mountains wearing the clothes they got for such a cheap price will motivate to shop at the store. This image will alow me to analyze different aspects of my genre. Not all Sale Promotions signs are red with big bold letters. Some use pictures, some use models, and some use cartoon figures. Sometimes Sale pormotion signs use videos or light signs to capture customers attention. I will also use this image to analyze the competion between retailers in my genre. All retail stores want to one up each other.

New Source

Rather than reference magazines that talk about life; I chose a magazine that is for the fashion enthusiast. Rather than an everyday girl picking up this magazine, the audience is geared more towards women with an interest in fashion specifically. Luckily not much has changed although the audience has, but the minor changes that have occured say more about the fashion lineage than anything else. If anything this women is an extreme compared to the perfect women on other magazines. Being much skinnier and exemplifying her dramatic features shows that this audience is being put under harsher attack. It still appeals to women, but mostly in the fact that they desire to be her, not just look like her.

Okay so, that is a picture of the book cover Legacy by Cayla Kluver. Cayla was only 16 when she finished writing Legacy, which is her first book she has ever written. Being an unknown author, her book defies the standards that most fantasy book covers have. Instead of having darker tones dabbled across the cover, Cayla's cover is a dulled red with an intricate gold border. The title of her novel is dead center in the book with her name right underneath it. This leaves little room for the acutual picture on her cover, which is only big enough to take up a decent portion of the cover left underneath the title.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Writing Process

My version of drafting a paper is to first organize a rough draft, even if the draft looks more like sections of notes. Next, I focus on the areas of the draft that I already have ideas for, and then I just let the writing flow; I also edit my work as I go along with this process. Most of the time, this format works well for me. I read through the draft as I build on it, and I finalize my edits by filling in information that I realize is necessary, yet missing until I see the writing as a complete paper.
when i start to write a paper i start by making a list of all the things i would like to put in to my paper. then after i think i have a long enough list i start writing, starting with the intro then moving on to the body and then the conclusion. then i put it down and come back to it the next day. when i come back to it i make up to 3 drafts of it. when i think i have a good finished draft i have one of my Friends or family revise it for me. and once i get it back i make thoughs changes and turn that in.



When writing a draft I start with a thesis statement and bullet point the main topic of each body paragraph. Once I have the main supporting ideas for my paper I outline the details and examples I will incorporate in each paragraph. To outline a conclusion, I write a concluding statement that relates back to the thesis of the paper.

After making a clear outline I begin to free write to make a rough draft. I usually write several different thesis statements and figure out which fits best into the paper after I have written more of my body paragraphs. In the introduction I briefly state the topic and supporting points. I continue my free write with writing topic sentences for each or my body paragraphs. I support my body paragraphs with detailed descriptions and examples. I then tie the paragraph back to the main idea and transition to the next topic.

My writing process is not always uniform. Sometimes I start with an idea that I have over what the paper should look like and then just go thru all the main points. Then I come back and work on the details, expanding some of the short arguments and then the refining process begins. Review, correct, review again and make more corrections and the final paper arrives.
That is one process.

And other times, I start with an outline. What should be my title, and how should the intro be, the ideas in it. Then the body of the paper, and the conclusion, etc. Then the expanding process begins.

And sometimes, I start from the body of the paper and then work on the intro and conclusion.

First draft

I guess when it comes to writing a first rough draft, all I do is write. Just write and don't stop. I try to get all my ideas down first so that I don't forget anything, then I later will go back and revise it and pull out any unnecessary parts. Otherwise I don't really make any outlines or plans for a rough draft, they have never really helped me anyway.

Writing techniques

When I write a paper I am pretty good about researching my topic and learning about it to make sure I provide specific examples and accurate information to my reader(s). I also make sure I do not give bias opinions or sound arrogant. I want to make sure that my paper is consistant and makes sense. When I draft a paper, I usually start writing whatever comes to mind. Free writing helps my paper evolve into an idea or style of writing. When I think too hard about what I want to write it usually makes things very difficult for me so my method is just free writing at first and then editing it into something academically acceptable. I also stop writing the paper and then come back the next day and re-read it to see where my mind was and if it makes sense. I don't really outline or brainstorm I just research, learn the topic, write whatever comes to mind, check it the next day, edit it and turn it into a paper. Might not be the best method for some people but for me it works every time.

Revision Process

When beginning a new paper, I always plan out the order of which I'm going to discuss my topics. In doing this, it is easier for me to write an introduction and thesis for my writing. I know several writers who write their introductions last, but that is too complicated for me because I need the stability of my thesis to keep my writing on track with my original plan. I usually write my papers all the way through without many details first, and then within my revision process is where I add to specify details and make my argument clear. The revision process is also where I determine if the order I originally put my topics in makes sense after reading it as a whole. Revision for me is a lot of moving paragraphs and sentences around to make my writing smoother and more understandable. Grammar and spelling is not part of my revision process because I have a pet peeve about that stuff which causes me to constantly fix the errors during my writing stages. One strategy that I learned in 1020 was to cut my essays up and move the paragraphs around to have a better look at what might be another option for putting my writing together.

Free Writing

When I get started on a paper I first brainstorm on what I'd like to write about. After I get an idea about something that interests me I start to web. After I web I come up with questions that I need to answer in my research. Then I start researching possible topics to write about. After this is complete then I start to write my first draft of my paper.

Writing Style

When it comes to writing a paper planning makes it harder for me to produce a fluent piece. Instead I take the first idea that pops into my head and I run with it. Every time I start a new paragraph I stop and think about what I am talking about and where I want the paper to end. This then allows me to build on my idea while still keeping on track. I guess I am a compulsive writer, and I allow myself to write whatever is on my mind at the time. This could get me into trouble at times but usually it just gives my paper a more in depth analysis on the topic. Writing the conclusion is always the toughest because it turns out to be a better opening paragraph than my original. In these cases I usually switch the two and it turns out to be a great paper.

My writing style

For my writing, I don't really plan on what to write about or how to structure my essay. I usually start writing my essay without any planning and go from there. Usually I already have the main point, and points for my body of the essay but elaborate on the body area once I reach that part. I like this method because then I don't forget things to mention or misunderstand something that I might have written down in a plan. While writing my essay, I usually edit parts that are unneeded or confusing while I write them to cut back on more editing and make my rough draft as close to the final as possible. After I finish my essay, I compare my introduction with my conclusion, look back at my body paragraphs to make sure I am on the correct path and cut wordiness and make my writing more active if there are passive statements.

My drafting process...

When I write papers, I like to organize my thoughts for starters... thoughts being facts, flow, research... making somewhat of a skeleton of the final product just to guide my thinking. Once that's done I just write. Fairly simple to explain, not so simple to put into practice. When I write I need some background noise; something to keep my mind from overanalyzing every little detail. After all... isn't that what the drafting workshops are for? So, I'll go up to some coffee shop. City o city happens to be a few blocks down from my house... And I can actually eat stuff there which is nice. I'll go and bang out a super rough draft in about two hours. Might not even make any sense but it doesn't matter. At least I have something down on paper to make revisions on. The important thing for me is to get over that sense of writer's block that more times than not is just a scare tactic put on by whatever assignment you are in the process of completing... maybe I'm the only one there... but a nice free-write to get all the useless crap out of your system helps me to bring everything together in the end.

Drafting Process

I usually just start writing, than I will go back and organize my paragraphs. Once I've done that I will go in and edit the paper. Re-write sentences, check sentence structure, check MLA formating, check fluency, and other basic editing tools. Then I will get my paper edited by a peer, make revisions as needed. Sometimes I will create an outline to start out with, but generally I will just start to write.

rough draft

When writing my rough draft, I'm not really much to plan on what I am about to write. My best writing comes out when I just write what I'm thinking at the very moment. I don't really waste my time on spelling and grammatical errors because obviously the most important part about writing a good essay is the content. When writing my rough draft the part that probably most changes is the conclusion because I sometimes have a bit of trouble trying to form one with any essay because I know that can make or break a well written paper.

How we go about drafting and stuff

How I go about drafting:

Step one:

I write all the idea down that I can, and begin typing my essay. I type and type and type putting down my thoughts no matter how crazy they are. I continue this process till I have the total number of pages required by the assignment.

Step two:

After doing all the fun stuff, it is not time for me to edit out all the thoughts, and unnecessary vocabulary. This in my opinion takes the longest time for me. In this step I also reorganized my thoughts and ideas and makes sure that the paper at least makes some sense.

Step Three:

This is where I add more information and facts that I find on my own, at the same time while I cite them. While I’m adding the information to my writing, I use the information to support my argument.

Step Four:

After all that I reread my paper and make more corrections to grammar, thoughts, and organization.

Step Five:

Turn it in the next day.

Rafting, Drafting... whatever Blaaa!

well, to tell you the truth. I rarely use any technique to prepare for my papers. usualy paceing around thinking about good topic points. sitting down to write the few ideas I do have. After doing this for sometime their is about a page or two of loosely collected ideas. I go through expanding on the topic most fit for my paper. After hammering away at the loose peace of material I start to see things taking shape. Slapping on a generic introduction and conclusion I am all most done. When its all together its time to push it through as many skilled writers as possible to bring up to the college level. And BAM im done!


In writing a paper, I typically structure the first paragraph complete with thesis and each topic that will be covered throughout the rest of the paper. From there I freestyle it. I try to get all of my thoughts out without editing as I go. Once I have my thoughts written out, I go back and clean up each paragraph. There ya have it. No fancy outlines here.

Monkeys Attack Polar Bears, pt.2

If you want to draft your paper, there are lots of things to choose from. You can outline what you plan on putting, doing a little brainstorm activity, or whatever tickles your pickle. Either way, it has to be organized. It'll help you in the long run. I, personally, don't like to do any of those tequniques. I prefer to start out writing my thesis statement and telling my readers a general idea of what my paper will be about. When it comes to the paragraphs that follow, that's when I go into extreme detail about my topic. It helps me get started quicker and helps my creative juices flow from me to the paper I'm typing.