Thursday, April 28, 2011


1. I have more than 10-12 sources which I need to keep my paper the length it is...??
2. I might have have too much evidence for ghosts and not enough for the skeptic side, even though I am a skeptic.


  1. You could link ghosts to religion and how religion doesnt exist??? Look at it, as an atheist would???

  2. i understand that their would not be much text on the skepticism of ghost because writing a book on how you dont believe in ghost is no fun!
    Go with the thought and ideas of friends and families.

  3. You can also look into the reasons why skeptics don't believe in ghosts..... such as looking into spyhological/spychiatric studies done on people who believe ghosts exist. Hallucinations, paranoia, a chemical imbalance in the brain, schizophrenia, radio activity ( living too close to radio satelites and such) drugs etc. The list can go on.

  4. The sources are fine as long as they are all relevant and explored fully. I think Alice has some good ideas to explore about skeptics, if you haven't already. As for the counterargument you do present, make sure you refute it to support your stance as a skeptic. The evidence you show for skepticism should be very strong and fully analyzed. I think this combination (skeptics and refuted believers) will be strong enough to back up your thesis. Just make sure your thesis/stance is clear throughout your paper.
